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psychological safety and well-being policy

Creating psychosocial safety in teams and organisations is a prerequisite for an effective wellbeing policy. In a psychological safe environment you will find people are comfortable expressing themselves.   They can share their ideas, questions, mistakes and concerns without the fear of being ignored, ridiculed or blamed.

Organisational research has identified psychological safety as a critical factor in understanding phenomena such as voice, teamwork, team learning, and organisational learning.

Psychological safety unleashes individual and collective talent and is the driving force for creativity, innovation and performance.

A psychological safe climate also helps preventing inappropriate behaviour such as bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination and violence at work.

We provide:

  • Interventions and practices that help you build a psychologically safe workplace
  • Training, workshops and coaching for people lacking in confidence
  • Training and workshops concerning inappropriate behavior
  • Facilitation regarding mission / vision /culture
  • Keynotes on well-being related scientific research
  • Well-being surveys
stress and burn-out

We support your organisation in developing policies  aimed at preventing stress / burn-out.

We raise awareness among employees and managers, teaching them to timely recognize their own and others stress signals, and develop effective coping strategies.

We provide:

  • Development of action plans for the prevention of stress and burn-out
  • Training and workshops on stress and resilience
  • Coaching for Stress and burn-out
  • Reintegration and relapse prevention after burn-out

Conflicts cause stress, but at the same time conflicts can offer an opportunity to strengthen and repair damaged relationships. We can help your organisation to constructively address conflict in the workplace, improve relations and increase productivity.

Our training and facilitations support employees and managers in conducting and dealing with difficult conversations. Workplace relations and team cohesion is enhanced, allowing for more creativity and compassion when faced with differences.

  • Conflict resolution training and mediation skills for managers and employees
  • Mediation one on one or in teams
  • Facilitation of collaborative conversations/group processes in times of conflict or change.
team and leadership

We are advocates of personal and collective leadership, where managers and employees take responsibility together for the effectiveness and development of the team and the organisation.

We stimulate collaborative processes  in which all employees participate, share their experiences and ideas and take responsibility.

We create a setting where managers and their teams press the pause button to reconnect with what is truly important: why are we doing what we do and which values are we sharing.  We look at what a team needs to take the next step in its development

  • Develop personal and participatory leadership
  • Leadership coaching
  • Team coaching to strengthen team spirit
  • Team facilitation to work together the differences
    (optional PfPi personality test)
  • Intervision/supervision for managers/team leaders

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